I started college with no sense of purpose or direction and was uncomfortable with the unknown. I was an accounting major, going through personal struggles and depressed. My first year in college was filled with anxiety and a lack of understanding of who I was and what I wanted to do or get out of my experience at Texas State. I found myself questioning if I even belonged on this campus and if I had a place.
After what felt like a wasted year, my dad told me to apply for The Star all of my freshman year as in high school I did newspaper, yet I refused to listen to him. I ended up changing my major to journalism at the end of freshman year, and that summer I met former assistant opinion editor, Tiara Allen working as an orientation leaders. Meeting her we became great friends and hearing her speak so highly of this organization inspired me to apply.
I could not be more grateful to these two individuals for encouraging me to apply for The University Star, and for Nichaela Shaheen to have hired me on to the news section. Through my sophomore year I gained so much, I learned to be a better writer, to face my social anxieties, be a better communicator and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I feel that the moments we grow the most are the most uncomfortable ones, where we try new things. Working at The Star helped build my confidence in myself and see things from a different perspective, and the work ethics of my peers inspired me to want to do better in myself.
I left The Star for 6 months and came back during Junior year with yet another changed major in Public Relations and a newfound passion for PR. I applied again as a PR specialist, then got promoted to assistant PR Director and now am the PR Director. I want to thank Abbie Taylor for hiring me to the PR section and seeing potential in me, especially with no PR experience.
This organization has taught me so much about myself, given me amazing experiences and most of all a sense of purpose and community. Working in the PR section has been so rewarding, and I’m so happy to have been able to work with so many creative individuals.
Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for this organization, as it truly changed the trajectory of my time at Texas State and helped shape me and a lot of the experiences I had on campus. Thank you to The University Star for helping me find purpose, help me find myself and allowing me to grow and learn as an individual.