Alyssa Garza, who served as a councilmember from 2020-23, has been reelected to San Marcos City Council Place 3 after running uncontested.
Garza said she will continue to work hard to serve her community and voice the needs of all members of the community.
“I try my best to make time for everybody who reaches out to me,” Garza said. “That’s my commitment to my neighbors. I always show up 110%.”
Garza hopes to tackle affordable housing and analyze the past participation in city council’s boards and commissions in her next term.
“I want to have an understanding who all has served on these boards from their geographic distribution to their basic demographics,” Garza said. “I think that is really going to illustrate a need for a change in how we recruit and make serving on those super important committees more accessible.”
Garza also said she plans to challenge herself to ask for more help from the community to make up for the fact she doesn’t have permanent staff to assist her in meeting the needs of the community.
“I am not a fan of free labor, but I do not have the budget to pay someone to help me, so I largely depend on really close friends or neighbors,” Garza said. “I want to find creative solutions to make up for the fact that I do not have staff.”
Garza said she dislikes the organization and structure of the city government in San Marcos, but her distaste for municipal government is far outweighed by her desire to serve her community.
“I love serving my neighbors. I may not enjoy [city council], but what I do enjoy is showing up 110%,” Garza said. “I might not be smiling, but I’m fighting for them.”
Previously Garza has voted in favor of freezing utility payments during the COVID-19 pandemic and requiring lobbyists to register and elected officials to report their communications with lobbyists. Garza did not approve the Meet and Confer Agreement with San Marcos Police Department, renewing the juvenile curfew ordinance and raising the San Marcos city tax in 2021.