Transportation Services Director Steven Herrera announced that in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the parking services department would be relaxing color-zone restrictions by opening zones to permits of any color to provide students, faculty and staff additional options for commuting and social distancing.
The following list comes directly from parking services and notes changes in color-zone parking option and availability:
Parking Changes
- Vehicles with a valid Texas State permit of any type may park in any zone except Red Restricted or Red Reserved zones. See below.
- Vehicles with a valid Texas State permit of any type may park in the LBJ Student Center Garage and the Edward Gary Garage, free of charge.
- Vehicles with no permit may park in lots designated as Commuter/Perimeter.
- The Parking Services office is closed to walk-in guests. Please email with questions.
Red Restricted Zones
Employees designated as essential to university operations with red restricted and red reserved permits are the only holders with access to Red Zone parking areas at both San Marcos and Round Rock. Those spots are reserved from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday with the following exceptions:
- R4 (Alkek Garage) is reserved until 6:00 p.m.
- Second level of R5 (Pleasant Street Garage) is reserved until 6:00 p.m.
Accessible Parking
Only persons displaying a state-issued disabled person license plate or hanging tag may use the designated accessible parking spaces. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors must also hold a valid Texas State permit in addition to the disabled person plate or hanging tag. If all the accessible spaces are full, any legal non-reserved space may be used.