As the Oct. 10 deadline for voter registration approaches, local organizations are increasing ongoing efforts to increase voter registration.
Organizations across Hays County, such as the non-partisan group, League of Women Voters (LVW) of Hays County, have geared voting registration efforts toward students.
While voters are typically required to register to vote in the county they live in, students who live in residence halls can choose to register either at their permanent home address or their residence hall address.
“Voting is powerful. That’s why we only get to do it once. You can’t vote in-person in San Marcos and vote by mail in your hometown, for example. Or vote for president in one city, then vote for mayor in another city during the same election,” the Texas State Student Government said on their webpage on voting.
According to the Texas Secretary of State, voter turnout for individuals aged 18-24 for the 2022 midterm election was 45.85%, showing a pattern of low voter turnout in years like this year, where there are no federal elections. The LVW of Hays County hopes to change that by encouraging more students to register to vote and offering voter education resources.
“What makes [registering to vote] so important is that it’s the foundation of our democracy. When I was [college] aged we were very active in what was going on and I hope that young people take an interest in how our elections work,” Diann McCabe, a deputized voter registrar and member of the LVW of Hays County, said.
On Sept. 17, National Voter Registration Day, many students registered to vote at booths across campus.
“Being a college student, there’s not much systematic change I can do besides vote. [Voting] lets me be educated and put my best foot forward and know who is representing me,” Chase Riley, a criminal justice junior, said.
McCabe believes that young people should register to vote because it’s a right that she didn’t have when she was the same age.
“When I was 18 you couldn’t vote, you had to be 21. You could be drafted to Vietnam if you were a man, so it’s one of the things I think is taken for granted,” McCabe said.
The LVW of Hays County will continue holding events to register students and residents of Hays County until the Oct. 10 deadline to register.
“We are at the farmers market there in San Marcos [almost] every weekend…” Sharon Moore, the chair of the Voter Services Team for the LVW of Hays County, said.
More information on how to register to vote can be found at