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The University Star

The Student News Site of Texas State University

The University Star

The Student News Site of Texas State University

The University Star

“I think the thing that seems like the most amount of work is when you have the idea of something, but you don’t have the plan,” Marshall said. “Once you plan something like this and you visualize the tasks and write them down, it’s not so daunting.”

Marshall said despite being part of the workforce, he will always make time for performing. To him, organizing an event like Bobcat Jump felt like a natural fit. Marshall saw the event materialize as he moved from one task to the next.

Sammy said San Marcos is the perfect place for young musicians to start their careers because the community is profoundly supportive. The brothers’ experience with the live music community, playing at almost every San Marcos venue for crowds of different sizes, is why they decided to give other musicians a chance for exposure.

Curtis Rowe, country rock singer/songwriter, performed with his band Arbordae at the festival. He has played professionally for one year and is pursuing a masters in creative writing. He said he jumps at an opportunity to play with other San Marcos musicians anytime he can.

“While it’s fun to do music for yourself and promote yourself, any opportunity to be part of a team of musicians — whether they’re from completely different genres — we tend to find common ground on the ability to express ourselves through music,” Rowe said.

For more information on Bobcat Jump, visit its Instagram at

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