Star file photo
Texas State students walk across campus, Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, by the LBJ Student Center.
On Sept. 27, Texas State released its 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report which includes campus crime statistics for the San Marcos and Round Rock campuses between 2020-22.
The Clery Act requires all higher education institutions to release a report annually that details crime statistics to all students and employees by Oct. 1.
Texas State reported 40 rapes in 2022 – 38 of which happened on campus, including 29 in residential facilities. This is more than double the amount reported in 2021, which consisted of 17 rapes, 13 of which were on campus.
Texas State also reported 23 fondling cases in 2022, an increase from 17 in 2021.
Six hate crimes were reported on campus in 2022 compared to two in 2021. As the six hate crimes, Texas State reported three aggravated assaults for racial reasons, one simple assault on campus for religious and national origin reasons, one intimidation for racial and sexual identity reasons and one simple assault in student housing caused by national origin reasons.
Aggravated assault cases more than doubled in 2022 as Texas State reported 36 cases, including 24 on campus. In 2021, Texas State reported 17, including 14 on campus.
Burglary saw a slight increase in cases with 32 in 2022, including 21 in residential facilities. In 2021, Texas State reported 27 burglaries, including 18 in residential facilities.
Motor vehicle thefts saw an increase from 5 to 11 cases reported from 2021 to 2022.
Dating violence and stalking also increased in 2022. There were 8 cases of dating violence in 2022 while 2021 saw 2 cases. Stalking saw an increase of 15 cases as there were 50 reported in 2022 compared to 35 in 2021.
Texas State had a decrease in 2022 of liquor law, drug law and weapons law violation arrests from 2020 and 2021.
Texas State reported 14 liquor law violation arrests in 2022 compared to 67 in 2021, 113 drug law violation arrests in 2022 compared to 117 in 2021 and two weapons law violation arrests compared to four in 2021.
However, Texas State saw an increase of liquor law and drug law violation referrals for disciplinary action. In 2022 there were 312 liquor law violation referrals for disciplinary action which is a 100-case increase from 2021. Texas State reported 81 drug law violation referrals in 2022 compared to 65 in 2021.
Robbery saw a decrease in cases from four in 2021 to two in 2022.
The U.S. Department of Education investigated Texas State for underreporting crime statistics in 2016 and 2017. In 2019, Texas State updated the process of reporting by creating the eFORCE system and hiring employees to review Clery numbers daily.
In 1986, Jeanne Clery, a college freshman, was raped and murdered in her on-campus residence location. This called a focus on unreported crimes on college campuses across the country.
In 1990, Congress began the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Act requires reporting measures and increased safety on college campuses.