President Ruben Becerra and Vice President Alison Castillo listen to legislation read by Sen. Reginald Pettus. Photo By Kaiti Evans
Sen. Reginald Pettus read legislation at the Sept. 24 Student Government meeting to create a Student Government committee to investigate the alleged involvement of Turning Point USA in the Boreing-Becerra election campaign.
Sens. Claudia Gasponi and Preston Nieves authored the piece of legislation following allegations made by former Sen. Eli Miller. He said former Student Government President Brooklyn Boreing and her campaign took $2,800 and 25 iPads from Turning Point USA during the election season. Boreing resigned a week after the allegations were made and Vice President Ruben Becerra Jr. took over as president.
Gasponi and Nieves said at the meeting it is still important to investigate the rest of the Boreing-Becerra campaign.
Additionally, legislation was read for four director positions: director of programs, director of diversity and outreach, director of government affairs, and director of student services. The senators will vote on the legislation at the Oct. 1 Student Government meeting.
Student Government meets at 7 p.m. each Monday in the LBJ Teaching Theater.