Oct. 29, students and professors enjoy Hogwarts Halloween. Photo by Cameron Hubbard
Potterheads across campus rejoiced yesterday as the second annual Hogwarts Halloween took place at the LBJ Student Center.
From 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 29., Bobcats were able to participate in a number of magical activities like Divination Class with tarot card readings, getting to interact with live owls and a Triwizard Tournament that included an intense game of quidditch. Students were able to indulge in butterbeer and a sweet treat from Honeydukes.
Faculty came to the event dressed as characters from the Harry Potter films and books, cosplaying with students for the occasion.
Hogwarts Halloween marked the end to a month-long sock drive, pegged Dobby’s Sock Drive, hosted by the LBJSC. The drive benefitted the the Hay’s County Women’s shelter.
Maddie Sodders, exploratory freshman, said the Sorting Hat was her favorite feature of the event.
“It was fun to be sorted into a house and watch everyone else get sorted into one as well,” Sodders said. “(LBJSC) did such a good job and it was so fun for us to go to. I can’t wait to come again next year.”
Victoria Duggins, accounting senior, said she found the Horocrux Hunt and wand-making very exciting.
“Everything about it is so magical,” she said. “(Hogwarts Halloween) makes me feel like the university is connected to it’s students and cares that they’re actually enjoying their time beyond the knowledge they’re receiving here.”
Consolaterice Nzoya, mechnical engineering junior, said she was surprised the campus hosted such a unique event. She never saw anything like it in high school.
“It means a lot, because in high school if you talked about Harry Potter or anything nerdy, you were made fun of,” Nzoya said. “It’s celebrated here. I like that intelligence and nerdy things are celebrated instead of shamed.”
Breanna Jackoviak, communication studies freshman, said she likes to know there are clubs that have a really immersive experience.
“Knowing there’s other people that care as much about what I care about is really comforting,” Jackoviak said.
Hogwarts Halloween is hosted annually by LBJ Student Center and encourages volunteers and participants to experience the magic next year.