President Denise Trauth joined the weekly Faculty Senate meeting Oct. 10 in the J.C. Kellam Administration Building. Photo By Malarie Ohrabka
Faculty Senate nominated professors Oct. 10 for the Piper Professor Award at the weekly Faculty Senate meeting and addressed merit raises among stagnating enrollment rates.
According to Trauth, Texas State is in its third year of flat enrollment, though the freshman class is the largest in history. Trauth said the stagnancy could affect merit raises among faculty members but “merit raises are the highest priority every year.”
During the meeting, Trauth said new the implementation of new academic programs to meet workforce demand and improve university enrollment are key to the future of Texas State.
“(The new programs) are all at varying amounts of money in this year’s budget,” Trauth said. “Those dollars are an investment in the future, pure and simple. That’s how we’re going to increase the enrollment at the university.”
Previously, Faculty Senate had voiced concerns over custodial staff on campus losing their jobs. Vice President for Finance and Support Services Eric Algoe said at the Oct. 10 Faculty Senate meeting that “nobody’s job is being taken away.”
Additionally, Faculty Senate named the nominees for the Piper Professor Award: regents professor Steven Beebe, associate professor of practice David Nolan and professor Cindy Royal for the Piper Professor Award.