Brooklyn Boreing discussing her campaign’s policy at the Student Goverment debate, Feb. 12.
Photo by Tyler Jackson | Multimedia Editor
Student Government election results for presidential and vice presidential candidates are traditionally read within hours of the polls closing, but this year the results will be postponed four days.
The appeal hearing for the case between candidates Brooklyn Boreing and Ruben Becerra, and Preston Nieves and Christian Sears will take place Feb. 23. The results of the election could affect the results of the hearing if either candidate won, according to presidential candidate Preston Nieves.
The announcement of the results will be postponed until Feb. 26 according to Taylor Brimer, election board chairman. The results were originally to be announced Feb. 22 by 7 p.m.
“I asked Chief Justice John Garcia and he told me to file an injunctive release so the campaign results would not conflict with the case,” Nieves said. “If I or Miller win outright, it won’t make a difference, but if Boreing wins the election, but loses the appeal that could also be quite confusing for students if an announcement is made before the results of the case are final.”