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At Student Government’s meeting Feb. 19, the student senate failed to meet quorum and have the minimum amount of senators present to conduct business.
The Articles of Impeachment against Student Government President Connor Clegg as well as two other policies under new business will now be read at next week’s meeting.
Chief Justice John Garcia said Student Government leaders are doing everything they can to move about this process as quickly as possible despite pushing the agenda back a week.
“Per the Student Government Constitution and the Student Government code we have to meet quorum for any business to be taken up,” Garcia said.
To meet quorum, 28 senators are required to be present. Only 27 out of the 41 senators were present at Monday’s meeting.
Should the articles of impeachment be resubmitted and read next week, a review commission will determine which articles qualify as impeachable acts on Feb. 27.
University College senator Claudia Gasponi, general studies senior and author of the articles of impeachment, missed the meeting for personal reasons.
“In order to maintain my emotional and mental health, I chose to not attend,” Gasponi said. “It is unfortunate quorum was not met and that so many other senators missed this very important meeting.”
The senate clerk records show that the following senators offered excuses for their absences:
Claudia Gasponi, University College B
Brooklyn Boreing, Senator-at-large
Shania Waugh, Senator-at-large
Jewlia Tapp, Applied Arts B
The following senators were absent without excuse:
Allison Castillo, Applied Arts A
Christian Delgado, Senator-at-large
Jake Negvesky, Senator-at-large
Alexander Sherman, McCoy A
Diego Abelar Morales, McCoy B
These are the senators that left before roll:
Matthew Barzilla, Liberal Arts A
Benjamin Barlett, Senator-at-large
Ana Flores, Fine Arts A
Madison Mcdonald, Senator-at-large
Shelby McElwee, Senator-at-large