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City council met for approximately 40 minutes to acknowledge an award, review an aduit and discuss several agenda items.
The award was given to the city of San Marcos’ engineering team, who received a commendation for their effort in managing the floodplains in San Marcos. They received recognition for partnering with public entities and agencies to produce low impact developments to handle floodplains.
City staff then gave a presentation covering an audit and financial report that the city received for the 2017 fiscal year. The report was positive for the city, showing an increase in net position and marking a 30-year streak in receiving an achievement from the Government Financial Officers Association. The mayor said it was a substantial recognition.
Three agenda items concluded the meeting. The first concerned an agreement between the city and Halff Associates Inc. for th Blanco Riverine Community Development Block Grant and Texas Water Development board Project. The item passed seven to zero. The second concerned the approval of a complex wholesale power purchase agreement with AEP Energy Partners that will incorporate more wind energy into powering the city; it passed seven to zero.
“I think overall what was exciting to a lot of us was the additional wind power that the city will have available to purchase at a good rate and the overall reduction in greenhouse emissions,” Mayor John Thomaides said.