Ethics Review Commission members Arthur Taylor, Tammy Walden, Lee Garcia and Administrative Coordinator Tina Moreno before motioning to adjourn, Jan. 29, 2020.
Following a formal ethics complaint that prompted two Ethics Review Commission meetings, San Marcos Councilwoman Jocabed “Joca” Marquez’s public hearing has been slated for April 8, 2020.
The San Marcos Ethics Review Commission met Jan. 29, 2020, to schedule the public hearing, unanimously agreeing on April 8, 2020, after nearly an hour and a half of deliberation in executive session.
The public hearing will weigh a Twitter post published by Joca Nov. 19, 2019 to determine if she wrongly denied a building developer, stating;
“All the developers seeking to make big profits in SM from ‘affordable housing’ all have the same look: White, male, tall, wear blue blazers, money hungry, and emotionless… AND It feels damn good to vote against their proposed developments.”
On Jan. 10, 2020, Joca reposted a screenshot of her then-deleted tweet, adding;
“The tweet I deleted but I’m now bringing back to life:
1. Triggered fragile folks
2. Calls out systemic oppression against POC
3. Calls out displacement of POC
4. Empowers WOC like myself to vote in favor of the oppressed
5. Is responsive to the plight of the working class”
The University Star will continue to update this story as details develop.
San Marcos City Council meets every first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. The agenda can be accessed through the agenda center on the City of San Marcos website.