President-Elect Catching Valentinis-Dee (left) and Vice-President-Elect Andrew Florence (right) answer questions from audience members during the Student Government Presidential Debate, Monday, Feb. 10, 2020, in the LBJ Teaching Theater.
Student Government will host its semiannual roundtable with Texas State’s administrative officials Oct. 5 via Zoom.
The roundtable, taking place from 5-6 p.m., is an open forum inviting all Texas State students to express concerns, ask questions and inform themselves on any matters pertaining to the university. This is accomplished by hosting campus administrators and students in one space and encouraging conversations on any topics relating to student questions.
These topics can relate to any question, comment or concern a student might have. Some examples include classes, professors, university policy, health, security, financial aid and housing.
The event is normally held as a reception at the LBJ Student Center ballroom and organized in such a way that administrators stay seated and students rotate tables – maximizing the number of students getting to speak to each administrator. This year, the virtual setting complicates this system, but Student Government President Catching Valentinis-Dee says Zoom breakout rooms will be used in an attempt to capture a similar experience.
“This year we’re going to be digital, so we’re doing our best to retain that ability for students to inquire as much as possible of these administrators over the course of an hour,” Valentinis-Dee said.
The administrators with a confirmed attendance to this year’s roundtable are as follows:
Dr. Denise Trauth, university president.
Dr. Eugene Bourgeois, provost and vice president for academic affairs.
Dr. Mary Ellen Cavitt, interim vice president for student affairs.
Dr. Vincent Morton, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students.
Eric Algoe, vice president of finance and support services.
Dr. Andrea Golato, Dean of the Graduate College.
Dr. Angelica Coronado, attorney for students.
Kyle Estes, department of housing and residential life interim director.
John Root, auxiliary services director.
Jake Spavital, head football coach.
Jack Rahmann, LBJ Student Center director.
Chief Laurie Espinoza Clouse, university police department director.
Steven Granados, director of marketing for Chartwells.
Valentinis-Dee says students should attend because it is one of the few opportunities students will get to directly speak to university officials. He says attendance, though completely free and optional, is important because it maximizes the impact of speaking to the administrators.
“Student Government is committed to having this event in the future no matter how many students show up, because we believe if we can inform one more student, we’ve done a part of our job, but, our goal is to inform as many students as possible,” Valentinis-Dee said. “If you have a question there’s someone [at the roundtable] that can get you an answer.”
Students wanting to attend the roundtable must RSVP on the student government website by Oct. 4.