The City of San Marcos announced the temporary parklet program, adopted by City Council, Tuesday, May 5, 2020, in San Marcos. The program authorizes short-term parklet installations, waives the application fee and allows for modified design standards to help businesses create a more economical parklet.
The City of San Marcos announced a new temporary parklet program downtown, allowing businesses to temporarily convert on-street parking spaces into outdoor seating.
The program provides businesses with an additional visible service area while also enhancing the attractiveness of the downtown streetscape. The program aims to reactivate downtown business engagement.
A press release from the City states interested businesses must meet certain location and design criteria that provide a creative, safe and accessible temporary parklet.
In addition, each parklet shall be no more than two parking spaces in size, and no more than two parklet spaces are allowed per block face. Participating businesses are required to follow all protocols, practices and guidelines specified in the Governor’s Report to Open Texas.
The temporary parklet program, adopted by the San Marcos City Council May 5, authorizes short-term parklet installations, waives the application fee and allows for modified design standards to help businesses create a more economical parklet. Temporary parklet installations will be permitted through Aug. 14, 2020.