Gov. Abbott announces updates for the state, Friday, April 17, 2020, in the state capitol.
Gov. Greg Abbott held a press conference May 18 to announce the next phase in reopening the Texas economy, opening many businesses and services effective immediately.
According to the Department of Health Services, the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Texas is at least 48,693, with 28,371 recovered and 1,347 deaths. Abbott began the conference stating Texas administers up to 25,000 COVID-19 tests daily. Abbot said hospitalizations in Texas have generally decreased, also stating the rate of positive test results in the state has decreased to under 5%.
In phase II of reopening, the following services can reopen effective immediately:
Child Care CentersChild Care FamiliesMassage and Personal-Care, Beauty ServicesMassage and Personal-Care, Beauty Service CustomersYouth ClubsYouth Club ParticipantsYouth Sports OperatorsYouth Sports FamiliesGyms / Exercise FacilitiesGym / Exercise Facility PatronsManufacturersOffice-Based Employers *Office-Based Employees
*Businesses located in offices must limit their occupancy to 25% of their workforce
On May 22, restaurants can expand their occupancy to 50% capacity. Additionally, the following services can reopen effective May 22:
Bars *Bar PatronsBowling Alleys, Bingo Halls, Simulcasting, Skating RinksBowling, Bingo, Simulcasting, Skating CustomersRodeo / Equestrian EventsZoos, Aquariums, Natural CavernsZoo, Aquarium, Natural Cavern Visitors
*Bars, wine tasting rooms, craft breweries, and similar businesses may open at 25% occupancy
The following services can reopen effective May 31:
Day Youth Camp OperatorsDay Youth Camp FamiliesOvernight Youth Camp OperatorsOvernight Youth Camp FamiliesProfessional Sports Without In-Person Spectators
Some counties experiencing surges in cases will have phase II openings delayed until May 29, including: El Paso, Randall, Potter, Moore and Deaf Smith.
The University Star will continue to provide COVID-19 updates as any additional information is released.
Individuals concerned about possible exposure to COVID-19 are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider or the Hays County Local Health Department at 512.393.5520. For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services or the Centers for Disease Control website.
The University Star’s COVID-19 coverage can be found here.