Hays County COVID-19 Update
The Hays County Local Health Department has reported three new COVID-19 lab-confirmed positive cases overnight and today, bringing the total to 143, with 65 of those affected already recovered and out of quarantine (seven more than yesterday) and 77 current active cases.
The Hays County Local Health Department reported in a press release that negative test results have been received for 816 persons, 29 more than yesterday. The number of persons hospitalized remains the same.
Lab ConfirmedNegativePendingRecoveredActive CasesFatalitiesTotal Hospitalizations14381696577114Current HospitalizationsAGE RANGEFemaleMaleTotalFatalities40-9 yrs202010-19 yrs134020-29 yrs16521030-39 yrs221436040-49 yrs14721050-59 yrs151934060-69 yrs11314070-79 yrs4370> 80 yrs31418855143Travel Related10No Travel Reported133Interview Pending0143continuedTotal CasesActive CasesAustin*41Bear Creek00Buda185Driftwood21Dripping Springs64Hays00Kyle6238Mountain City00Niederwald11San Marcos4421Uhland00Wimberley66Woodcreek00Total14377
Prevention Tips:
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds several times a day, including between your fingers and underneath your nails. Handwashing is considered the best way to remove germs and dirt, and hand sanitizers should be used only when handwashing is not available. The hand sanitizers should be at least 60 percent alcohol to be effective.Avoid handshaking and high-fivesAvoid touching your face – especially your eyes, nose, and mouthStay home when you feel sickCover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue then put the tissue in the trash, or use the crook of your elbow if a tissue isn’t availableClean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household disinfectant cleaning spray or wipe. Clean cell and desk phones, computer keyboards, door handles, and work surfaces often.The CDC is now recommending persons visiting grocery stores, pharmacies, etc., wear cloth face masks to help keep from spreading COVID-19 since people who are not experiencing symptoms may be contagious. If you have close, frequent contact with a sick person you should also wear a mask as should the patient if he or she is able to wear one.Avoid travel to areas that have been designated high-risk areas because of multiple verified cases of CoronaIndividuals are encouraged to avoid large gatherings. This includes, but is not limited to concerts, plays, sporting events, gymnasiums, dances, and restaurants. Recreation activities that can be practiced in private are encouraged. This virus spreads by person-to-person transmission just like the flu, so limiting human contact can help prevent COVID-19 from spreading.
Hays County Epidemiologist Eric Schneider reminded residents to rely on qualified information sources for additional information such as the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control which offers information in Spanish and Chinese as well as English. The County’s COVID-19 info is here, and as in any emergency situation www.HaysInformed.com, the countywide emergency notification blog, has a rolling list of important information regarding COVID-19. Many City websites also have information for their residents.