As of March 31, 2020, the confirmed cases by city in Hays County is: Austin, 3; Buda, 9, Dripping Springs, 2; Kyle, 12; San Marcos, 12; Wimberley, 0; Woodcreek, 0; Driftwood, 0.
Hays County Local Health Department has confirmed ten additional cases of COVID-19 and four recoveries on Tuesday, March 31, bringing the total cases in Hays County to 38.
Of the 38 cases, seven have been deemed “travel related”, two are pending interviews and the remaining 29 reported no travel.
Below is the age breakdown of the 38 cases in Hays County.
AGE RANGEFemaleMaleTotal0 – 9 yrs00010 – 19 yrs00020 – 29 yrs50530 – 39 yrs53840 – 49 yrs53850 – 59 yrs581360 – 69 yrs30370 – 79 yrs011> 80 yrs000TOTALS231538
Individuals concerned about possible exposure to COVID-19 are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider or the Hays County Local Health Department at 512.393.5520. For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services or the Centers for Disease Control website.
The University Star’s COVID-19 coverage can be found here.