Texas State TXST
Texas State’s Information Security Office released an announcement warning students and participating faculty and staff members of “Zoom Bombings.”
Zoom Video Communications is an American remote conferencing services company headquartered in San Jose, California and is how many classes at Texas State will be finished due to social distancing measures and remote learning strategies implemented by Provost Vice President of Academic Affairs Gene Bourgeois and President Trauth March 19.
According to the email to current students from Information Security, “‘Zoom bombing(s)’occur when an individual uses the in-meeting tools in Zoom to spread malicious files or upload inappropriate content to their screen background.”
According to University of Texas at Austin President Greg Fenves, a Zoom bombing occurred during a meeting of UT students March 30, 2020.
Texas State Information Security noted that making adjustments to Zoom settings beforehand would help in preventing unwanted or malicious content from being shared in Zoom meetings and classrooms.
The Information Security Office is also offering classes during the rest of the semester to address this topic in an online workshop format, using Zoom:
Zoom Bombing, Coronavirus Phishing, and Disaster Scams trainingThursday, April 2, 2020 | 10am – 11amhttps://www.facdv.txstate.edu/Training-Opportunities.html
Zoom Bombing resource pageThis page contains step-by-step instructions for locking down your Zoom sessionshttps://itac.txstate.edu/support/online-meetings/lockdown.html
If you have technical questions or concerns, please contact ITAC at 512.245.4822 or [email protected].
If you have security concerns or need to report an incident, please contact the Information Security Office at 512.245.4225 or [email protected].