All restaurants, bars, gyms and schools across the state will close by order of the governor.
Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order to close restaurants, bars, gyms and schools across the state effective Friday, March 20-April 3.
Dining inside restaurants and bars will be prohibited, but take-out will still be allowed. In order to assist the hospitality industry, Gov. Abbott waived regulations to allow restaurants to deliver alcoholic beverages.
These actions follow the governor activating the Texas National Guard March 17 to assist with mitigating the spread of COVID-19, which has confirmed cases in every Texas metropolitan city.
Individuals concerned about possible exposure to COVID-19 are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider or the Hays County Local Health Department at 512.393.5520. For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services or the Centers for Disease Control website.
The University Star’s COVID-19 coverage can be found here.