A photo of The Texas Governor in his office 3/26/2020. Courtesy image from Governor’s office.
Governor Greg Abbott reported that as of March 29, 2020, 25,483 Texans had been tested for the novel coronavirus, COVID–19. Of those tested 2,552 are confirmed positive for COVID-19, the governor reported from the state Capital today.
Abbott announced that the State is working with The Army Corps of Engineers to locate large centers which may be opened as “temporary health centers” in the event of of an influx of COVID-19 related cases or influx of non-COVID-19 related cases. Abbott reported that the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas has been assessed and deemed able to serve in a health-related capacity should the need arise to better serve the Dallas region. The governor said he is urging local leaders and center owners to volunteer to be assessed to assist their region and promoted social distancing.
“We are engaged in a war, you can protect yourself by reducing your interaction with others,” Abbott said.
Abbott reported that there are now 118 counties in the state that have had a confirmed case of COVID-19, 176 people who are patients in hospitals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and there have been 34 fatalities connected to COVID-19 in Texas. Abbott reported that essentially 75% of Texas falls within a “stay at home” order.
Executive orders passed by abbott today:
1. Will restrict travel by road from Louisiana, exemptions include EMS personnel and military personnel.
2. Expands executive order of passengers flying into Texas including Miami FL, Atlanta Ga, Detroit Mich, Chicago IL as well as any air travel from the state of California and Washington State and mandates quarantine for those who travel into the state.
3. Abbott halts the release of “dangerous felons” in jails and prisons in Texas.