Last week, we messed up. In attempting to localize our coverage of the coronavirus, we posted a graphic on our social media accounts that disappointed our followers and has since been removed.
As our social media calendar dictates, on Tuesdays we #StarwiththeStar and showcase our lead story, typically in and around the setting where the story takes place.
Our coverage of the cancelled China and Korea study abroad trips last week meant that we talked to people who represented study abroad programs and so our location for the photo was the Thorton International House. However, we utilized elements from our illustration of the Coronavirus and layered those elements over the picture of the Thorton international House and posted to our social media channels.
Obviously, it was never our intent to present the international house in a negative light or give the impression that the international house or students that represent the international house in some capacity had been infected by the virus.
While we did not receive a large volume of complaints for the image, we thought that if it was important enough for even some students to voice their concerns, then it should be important to us.
Thank you for calling us out when we get things wrong. We promise to always keep you in our hearts and minds while we report on issues that affect us all.