A view of the LBJ Student Center from outside the building's ballroom, which will serve as Texas State's mass vaccination site.
At its Sept. 14 meeting, Texas State Staff Council recognized its 2021 scholarship and award recipients.
Each year, Staff Council offers scholarships and awards eligible for staff members. This year there were a total of 10 winners. Of the 10, three were scholarship winners and seven were award recipients. Some of the awards included were the Staff Diversity Enrichment Award and the Earl L. Moseley, Jr. – Staff Community Service Award.
“We’re so glad that everyone was able to be here for the most part,” a Staff Council member said to the recipients. “We value you so much and we’re so happy for you.”
After announcing award and scholarship winners, the council decided to extend the timeframe for changing award eligibility guidelines. A representative of the scholarship and awards committee shared the initial recommendation to have voting occur on a three-year basis rather than occurring annually which was approved by the council.
Texas State President Denise Trauth later joined the meeting and gave the members updates about the university. Trauth spoke about the importance of making sure the Texas State community follows the proper precautions to keep everyone safe on campus.
“COVID-19 really is a marathon,” Trauth said. “It’s not a sprint. It makes us feel … like, we just don’t have a lot of control over our lives but there are steps we can take together … I had the opportunity to interact with a lot of the students, and I can tell you to a person, they do not want to go back to remote, they simply do not … we really do need to get control of COVID-19.”
Trauth also gave the council updates regarding campus activities. These updates included the groundbreaking of Live Oak Hall as well as the Research Laboratory at Star Park. She also mentioned the Pecan Building that will eventually be home to the University Police Department.
For more information on Staff Council, visit its website.