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Texas State advises students, faculty and staff to protect themselves as COVID-19 cases increase due to low vaccination rates and the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 80% of COVID-19 cases arise from the new Delta variant. The university urges those who can be vaccinated to do so due to 97% of those hospitalized and 99.5% of those dying from COVID-19 are unvaccinated. However, it is still possible for those vaccinated to contract COVID-19. Being vaccinated, however, helps prevent hospitalization and death.
“What we’re seeing right now with the Delta variant, is that it is attacking younger people. And right now, people who are 18 to 29 years old are the group where the virus is attacking the most,” says Student Health Center Director Dr. Emilio Carranco in an interview with The University Star. ”And if you look at who’s going to the hospital right now, it’s people who aren’t vaccinated.”
Because of low vaccination rates in the state, Texas State is encouraging the university community to protect themselves by either getting tested for COVID-19 regularly or receiving a vaccination to have a ‘normal’ return to campus in the fall. The university also recommends:
all unvaccinated faculty, staff and students get a PCR test for COVID-19 two weeks before the start of the fall semester and every two weeks during the fall semesterstudents living in residence halls, regardless of vaccination status, get a PCR test for COVID-19 two weeks before move-in for the fall semesteranyone who develops cold-like symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, get tested for COVID-19
Due to the effectiveness of masks, the university is suggesting for students, faculty and staff to wear face coverings indoors or in crowded areas. The university states that when the number of cases decline and vaccination rates improve, the suggestion for masks will be discontinued.
COVID-19 testing on both the Round Rock and San Marcos campuses is free, and appointments can be made on the Texas State COVID-19 testing site. The Student Health Center provides vaccinations Monday-Friday. To make an appointment call 512-245-2161. The university will also host several vaccination events at the start of the fall semester.
The University Star will continue to provide COVID-19 updates as any additional information is released.
Individuals concerned about possible exposure to COVID-19 are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider or the Hays County Local Health Department at 512.393.5520. For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services or the Centers for Disease Control website.
The University Star’s COVID-19 coverage can be found here.