trinity building
We always knew this point in the year would come, but we did not think it would arrive this fast.
On May 1, this Editorial Board as currently constructed will no longer exist, and a new group will officially take over. Our senior staff members will graduate when commencement takes place starting on May 13, and younger staff members will begin to grow into new roles.
We’ve endured quite the year, and you were with us every step of the way. You depended on us for information when COVID-19 ravaged the community during the summer. You read every story when we covered Black Lives Matter protests throughout San Marcos. You logged on to Zoom to watch our events.
You followed our social media threads on Election Night. You utilized our resources every day during the February winter storm to find out what stores and restaurants were open. You told us how much you learned from The 11% Project, our year-long examination of Black students at Texas State.
We deemed ourselves the “new team” because we viewed these trying times as opportunities to better connect with you. We truly feel we were able to accomplish that.
In this year more than ever, people were able to see the value of student media, and we realized just how much you mean to us. During previous years, some people on campus questioned our purpose. After a year filled with catastrophic events, we hope those uncertainties and questions were answered.
We take on the role we do because of our community. We lived through these historic events and were negatively impacted just as some of you were. We sometimes lost out on sleep, missed class assignments and operated with inadequate pay because we knew how much you depended on us to do our jobs.
The Star is a great resource to this community. Change is about to occur, but we feel there is a strong foundation in place for the organization to keep moving forward.
We are so excited about the direction The Star is headed. This year was difficult, but our organization grew because of it. The next crop of leaders will do a remarkable job. We hope you continue to support them.
The work we do is not easy, but you have always kept us going. To that, we say thank you. It was an honor.