Senior Kiana Burks says goodbye to the Star in April 2021.
Editor’s Note: “-30-” has traditionally been used throughout journalism to indicate the end of a story. Each semester, The University Star encourages its graduating seniors to write a Senior 30—a farewell piece to our readers—indicating the conclusion of a journalist’s time as an active member of our organization.
While working at The University Star, I have gained a deeper understanding of not only myself, but of those around me, as well. Being here has truly changed me for the better. Gaining the opportunity to sit down and have conversations about the lives and stories of the members of my community has been an honor.
Although I’ve only been here for about a year, I consider all of the time I have spent with The Star to be priceless. I am so thankful for the amazing, genuine, talented and extremely intelligent people I have met here, and I am excited to take advantage of the opportunities that working here has afforded me. The Star provided me with a platform to share the stories of my community and promote positive change.
Very rarely do we acknowledge and pay the appropriate respects to the people, places and events in our lives that take on the role of shaping, teaching and loving us. When I look back at my time at The Star, at all my triumphs and struggles, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the long hours I stayed awake writing, my amazing teammates, the interesting conversations I got to have, my dedicated editors and the satisfaction of feeling like I am making a difference in the world.
Today, as I look toward the future, the only thing that I have left to say is, “Thank you.”