By Preslie Cox
Devastation struck San Marcos after historic flash floods.
The San Marcos City Council approved funding for designing and construction rehabilitation programs in the Blanco Gardens area that were affected by the 2015 floods.
The funds provided will range up to $1,129,053 and will be used to repair homes and property that were impacted by the floods. In order for the money to be granted it has to be sent to HUD for approval.
Director of South Side Community Center Ruben Garza said he is concerned about the amount of time it is taking for city aid to help with recovery.
“I’m concerned, you have a certain time period to spend this money with having to wait nine months for reimbursement because we’re going through city departments of bureaucracy. I would like the money used appropriately and get it utilized,” Garza said.
According to city staff, funding for a multitude of recovery projects could reach up to $50,000,000.