Captain Justin Calhoun was awarded Office of the Year.
He’s pictured here with his wife, Rachel. Photo courtesy of the City of San Marcos.
The City of San Marcos Fire Department recognized members of its department, as well as members of other organizations and the community, at its annual awards ceremony held at the San Marcos Activity Center May 31.
Among the recipients were Captain Justin Calhoun, who was named “Officer of the Year,” and Firefighter Matthew Felton, who was awarded “Firefighter of the Year.”
According to a press release by city officials, the Medal of Merit was awarded to Firefighter Zane Willard who saved the life of an individual by an act of rescue.
Phoenix Awards and Bars were given to the following personnel who were directly responsible for saving a person’s life during 2018:
Captains Jonathan Henderson and Craig Miller; Engineers Greg Mechler, Billy Mullins and Blake Schanhals; Firefighters Stephen Guenther and Benjamin Schlomach; San Marcos Hays County (SMHS) EMS Lieutenant Paramedic Josh Jakubec and Paramedics Greg Humphries and Kyle Skinner, according to a press release from city officials.
The Unit Citation Medals are awarded to individuals who perform as a group beyond the normal scope of duty to overcome unusual difficulties or obstacles in order to complete a difficult task that resulted in the protection of life or property. The medals were awarded to:
Battalion Chiefs Howie Minor, Aaron Crawford and John Koenig; Captains Sean Garrison, Louis Gonzales, Paul Muth and Frank Arredondo; Engineers Bobby Nance and Bill Young; Firefighters Robert Dallimore, Zane Willard, Travis Sweet, Matthew Felton and Stephen Warne; SMHC EMS Captain Joshua Bacak, and Paramedics Justin Payne and Kyle Skinner, according to a press release from city officials.
Attendees also held a moment of silence in remembrance of those affected by the Iconic Village Fire.