Courtesy of Hays County Election siteSample Ballot
Election season is here and this is what citizens need to know before casting their vote in Hays County.
Registered voters will vote on state and local propositions, as well as San Marcos Council candidates for Place 1 and 2.
Early voting occurs Oct. 21-Nov. 1 in any of the 37 county locations. Election Day is Nov. 5 at designated polling locations.
Can I Vote?
Anyone registered to vote in Hays County by Oct. 7 may vote in this election. Home address adjustments—including a county change—must be done Oct. 7 to be eligible to vote. To see if registered to vote in Hays County or not, visit the secretary of state “am I registered?” site.
What am I voting on?
There are eight state amendments, two San Marcos City Council places and Hays County propositions to vote on this election season.
State propositions include an amendment permitting an individual from holding more than one office as municipal judge, allowing increased distributions to available school funds and allowing the transfer of a law-enforcement animal to a qualified caretaker in certain circumstances.
San Marcos City Council Place 1 and Place 2 are up for election. City council positions are three-year terms.
Place 1, held by Lisa Prewitt, has Maxfield Baker and Mark Gleason on the ballot. Incumbent Saul Gonzales is running again for Place 2, alongside “LMC” Lisa Marie Coppoletta and Devin Barrett.
Where do I vote?
During early voting, registered voters can head to the ballot at any precinct, including the LBJ Student Center. However, on Election Day, voters must go to their designated precinct listed on their voter ID or secretary of state website.
Voting precincts have changed to comply with the maximum number of 5,000 registered voters per precinct, including 110, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 220, 221, 222, 224, 235, 227, 228, 231, 233, 336, 340, 337, 338, 443, 446, 444, 445 and 448.
Voters affected by the change will receive a new voter ID November 2019.
What do I need to bring when I vote?
One form of photo identification is required to vote. Accepted forms of identification include a Texas drivers license, Texas election certificate, Texas ID, Texas handgun license, U.S. military ID, U.S. citizenship certificate and U.S. passport.
Any of these identifiers expired up to four years is acceptable.
For more information on the election, visit https://hayscountytx.com/departments/elections/current-year-elections/.
Local City Council Election:
Place 1
Maxfield Baker
I’m a TXST alumnus, class of 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Political Science. I also operate a small local business and serve as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. We need to address our affordable housing crisis, social justice issues, and ensure that we protect our water resources. San Marcos needs representation that will confront these issues head on, update the community about ongoing and future projects, and guide our city towards healthy growth. Our community cannot afford luxury apartment complexes, we cannot ignore our overcrowded jails full of low-level offenders, and we should not compromise our aquifer or river for the sake
of economic development. As your Place One Representative, I will approach policy questions from an empathetic perspective to make sure we’re considering all the tangible impacts of a decision. Whether you’re here for a degree, or here to stay, San Marcos is your home now and I hope to earn your vote this year. You can visit www.BakerforSMTX.com to learn more about my platform, or sign up to volunteer. I will be on campus for the first day of early voting on October 21st, and look forward to meeting you.
Mark Gleason
When the floods of 2015 devastated our community including our home twice, everyone including Bobcats pulled together to help each other in restoring our homes and properties to be clean, safe, and livable. My neighbors and I have benefitted from the volunteer spirit of Texas State University students through the tremendous efforts during flood clean up and Bobcat Build.
As a City Council candidate, my vision for San Marcos includes:
· wisely spend tax dollars and promote fiscal accountability
· lower property taxes which benefits homeowners, business owners, and renters
· attract good paying jobs
· protect our beautiful rivers and greenspaces
· preserve our existing neighborhoods
· ensure responsible, sustainable growth and development
· support multi-modal transportation
The future is bright for San Marcos! I look forward to leading our community as your next City Council member. Thank you, Bobcats, for your consideration. I ask you to vote for Mark Gleason City Council Place 1.
Place 2
Saul Gonzales
I am Saul Gonzales, a lifelong resident of San Marcos. I am currently serving as the city council member Place 2. I have seen our city and university grow over the last 50 years. The vitality of the city and university are extremely important to me. I have had 3 children graduate from Texas State and my daughter will graduate in December. I believe cooperation and communication between the city council, students and university staff is essential for the health of San Marcos. My goal, as your councilman, would be to work with the university to solve issues the students have with parking, housing and safety concerns. I would particularly like to see the San Marcos police and university police work together to protect our students and citizens. I have worked to provide housing solutions while protecting the integrity and beauty of our downtown area. I have voted to increase business interests and expansion to San Marcos, these would provide technology and business job positions to promote our college graduates to stay in our city. I want to encourage our students to be a part of the life of the city. I am a native San Marcan and want to ensure the beauty and cleanliness of the river while protecting our aquifer and native species. Early voting will be on campus from October 21st to November 1st. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. Please vote for me, Saul Gonzales, father and friend of students.
Devin Barrett
My name is Devin Barrett and I am a student at Texas State University in my fourth year studying political science. I am running for City Council Place 2 so that students can get a voice in San Marcos, so that we can solve the problems in student housing and parking. We have increasing issues with the state of the student housing complexes in San Marcos; from the fact that we are paying on the first of August but aren’t allowed to move in until almost the end of that month. On the City Council, I would work to establish a Renters Commission to provide oversight and resources so that we know what we are signing for and holding properties accountable. If elected, I would be a voice for every student and citizen of this city so that we aren’t just residents, but locals that feel apart of this unique community. I have been a member of the San Marcos Human Services Advisory Board since the spring of 2018 and Model Arab League at Texas State since freshman year, both give me the experience needed to bring our issues to the council and give us a voice in San Marcos.
Lisa Marie Coppoletta
I have been involved in San Marcos for thirty years. I ran for City Council twice as a student. It is perplexing to me why current City Council keeps redirecting residents to the Austin City Council when disaster strikes. If City Council desires affordable housing and a walkable city, we must have an organizational body situated in San Marcos. Austin is a long walk for a Tennant’s Council.
B.A. and M.A. Southwest Texas State University in Communication Studies. I was a speech communication professor for three decades teaching first generation students, veterans, and those with disabilities.
I passed an ordinance notifying students signing a lease that they live in a flood zone. I would implement text alert systems to warn students of manhunt incidents such as the SWAT situation at Bracewood earlier this fall. I would also lobby that Texas State is more proactive to cancel class during flash flood events. Texas State Students You’ve Got A Shark On YOUR Side!