Photo by Josh Mends | Staff Photographer
San Marcos City Council is discussing a development agreement with S.M.A.R.T terminal developer Mike Schroeder to eliminate certain production uses on the new site.
The council will post an agenda when they plan to vote on the development agreement.
According to Councilmember Ed Mihalkanin, city staff has compiled a comprehensive list stating what will not be allowed in the industrial park. The list includes a variety of heavy industrial manufacturing such as steel production, vehicle manufacturing and battery producing corporations.
Mihalkanin also said he proposed for city government to take a percentage of the increased property tax income and put it in a fund for proper drainage efforts within the proposed development site.
City Council also approved a motion to fill a vacancy on the following boards of commissions to the Human Services Advisory Board and the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth.
The council nominated Sarah Lee Underwood Myers to serve on the Human Services Advisory Board. Michelle Hamilton was also nominated to continue serving as the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth.