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Student Government met Sept. 25 to vote on five pieces of legislation. One piece of legislation called for bringing an immigration attorney to campus, the legislation brought in eight speakers for public commentary.
During the president’s report, Student Body President Connor Clegg addressed the chamber for 10 minutes, talking at length about the legislation in question.
The resolution to establish a position of an immigration attorney at Texas State failed to pass with a final roll call vote of 20-19 with one senator abstaining, Maggie Shivers, public relations senior.
“There is no way to hire an immigration attorney and that makes me upset,” Clegg said.
Clegg called for Student Government to invoke change in other ways that did not involve bringing an immigration attorney to campus.
“Continue to work, continue to create organizations that enact change and voice your opinions,” Clegg said.
After the meeting’s adjournment, a group of students came into the chamber shouting “shame on you,” and calling for Student Government to better represent its constituents in the form of more progressive legislation. The students were protesting the immigration attorney piece of legislation.
Five pieces were read in total, and four voted on during the third meeting of the third session.
A resolution to recognize first-generation college students during commencement ceremonies passed unanimously. This resolution allows first-generation students to get a special form of recognition similar to a non-traditional student or veteran completing his or her degree.
In addition, Student Government unanimously voted on the abolishment of the Student Activities Fund.
The chamber also voted unanimously on the University Committees Act, which holds senators accountable via an attendance report.
The final resolution read was the resolution Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is expected to be voted on at the next meeting.
Lastly, representatives from Not On My Campus spoke to Student Government about their profit share at Cane’s. The proceeds went to the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Shelter.