Nationalism is defined by Google as “patriotic feelings, principles, or efforts,” it is the feeling of superiority over other countries. However, in many instances when people take on national pride, others paint the person as a racist bigot obsessed with the apparent superiority of their country and race. As a conservative, I would like to dispel the myth of evil behind national pride. Americans must recognize we live in an amazing country.
Recently, with the NFL conflict, there has been an uprise in protests towardspolice brutality. However, these protests have been conflated with protests against President Donald Trump, or perhaps even the flag itself. While it is disrespectful to kneel for the national anthem, dissent against any of the three is ultimately permitted by the governing documents of the great country that we live in.
Lately, it appears as if a massive distaste for America has crept up like a disease in this country. It is almost considered “cool” to not be proud of your country instead of advocating for it. In today’s America, it is not uncommon for Americans to have resentment towards their own country without also viewing how people in other countries live. What is important to recognize are the reasons American citizens should be grateful for the opportunities that this country has allotted them, unlike in places such as Saudi Arabia where women are just now being allowed to drive. To talk about real oppression and real problems within other countries would be to acknowledge they have it far worse than most do here.
This gives way to why more people should consider themselves nationalists. It’s okay to be proud of the improvements and strides toward progress that America has made throughout history. To want to put your country first and wish the best for it while remaining isolationists hurts no one. Instead, thinking of other countries first only hurts our own. Despite people here wanting to help in places like the middle east, it’s important to recognize that the relationship is not reciprocal. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center countries like Egypt and Jordan have extreme anti-American sentiments.
Our country should come before all others and it should not be considered a bigoted point-of-view to say such things. Rather, every country should take care of their people above all else and not intervene in the business of other nations. At the end of the day, it’s okay to love the nation you actively work to improve.
-Katelyn Moriarty is a political science sophomore