Located at 704 W Hopkins St, the vibrant Yellow Hostel House provides students with a unique experience to stay and have the opportunity to travel as well as meet other students.
Photo by Hannah Felske | Staff Photographer
A Texas State alumnus plans to attract international and bicycling tourists to San Marcos with the opening of the Yellow House Hostel in the spring of 2018.
Matt Akins, alumnus, and co-owner of the Bike Cave on campus is opening a hostel in San Marcos. The hostel, located at 704 W Hopkins St., will be the first of its kind in the city and will be within walking distance to the San Marcos Square and Texas State.
Akins developed the idea to open the hostel from his travels around the world. Hostels are supposed to function as cheaper alternatives to hotels and usually house a smaller amount of people. Akins has traveled to places all over Central and South America as well as Canada and said he believes a hostel would be a resource for international travelers wanting to see the best San Marcos has to offer.
“I want travelers from all over the world to experience San Marcos and jump in the river and go downtown and experience our art and our music and our food and our culture,” Akins said. “I want small local businesses to benefit from the tourism that comes through San Marcos. I think that we have a lot to offer the world.”
Akins also wants the hostel to be a place for bicycle tourist to stay.
Andy Howard, owner of The Hub bicycle shop, a friend of Akins for 13 years, said his location would be a resource for the bicyclists staying in the Yellow House Hostel because they are so close. The Hub could provide repairs for the bikes at affordable prices as well as supplies for the bicyclists.
“It’s just kind of a good way to get to know San Marcos in a lot of regards because we are here every day, we are on the square and we are kind of in the middle of it all,” Howard said.
Akins had a choice between several different properties in San Marcos, but the property had to be properly zoned to hold a hostel. He wanted his location to have adequate parking, be close to downtown, be sizable enough to hold at least 10 to 20 people and be affordable.
According to the Yellow House Hostel’s Indiegogo site, the house Akins chose is over 100 years old. The house was in bad shape when Akins bought it in 2015. Atkins is restoring the old yellow home to its original state. When finished, the Yellow House Hostel will have 6 bedrooms and bathrooms. Two of those bedrooms will be in the style of a dorm with multiple beds, while the other four will be private.
Akins is currently fundraising to afford supplies for the hostel. His Indiegogo site is collecting funds throughout the month of October and is having a fundraising concert at Tantra Oct. 20.