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During the Oct. 9 Student Government meeting, two pieces of legislation passed, both pertaining to Bobcat’s understanding of their rights on campus.
The Bobcat Freedom Authorization Act will function in two parts. It will advertise the bill of rights and create a public forum dedicated to helping students understand their respective freedoms.
In addition, Student Government authorized the proclamation of Free Speech Day on campus. While a specific date has yet to be determined, the legislation states that “Free Speech can bring the diverse range of student organizations on campus together to speak out about their ideas, opinions and values in a civil and healthy manner.”
Both pieces passed unanimously.
A representative from the Princeton Review spoke at the meeting to prospective graduate students or other post-secondary degree or certification candidates that would need a qualifying score on exams such as the Graduate Record Examination to get into their program of choice. The representative went over things the Princeton Review offers including tutorial programs.
The Texas State Stutters addressed the chamber regarding their annual profit share Strut your Pup, Halloween 5k fun run. The proceeds from the event will go to the PAWS Shelter of Central Texas, Strut your Pup participants are encouraged to bring their furry friends and donate dog/cat food.
Three pieces of legislation were read and will be voted on during next week’s meeting:
Resolution calling federal officials to reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program
This resolution recommits Student Government to the undocumented students it serves. This resolution will throw Texas State’s hat in the ring with the likes of with the likes of Sen. John Cornyn who has openly spoken against the repeal of the DACA program.
Let’s Talk: Mental Health Awareness Bill
This initiative is designed to bring awareness and establish a dialogue series based around the topic of mental health. Students and mental health professionals will come together to create a safe environment. “Let’s Talk,” will be hosted once a semester.
Opening the Textbook and Closing the Wallet: A Resolution to Advocate for a Texas State University-Wide Open Educational Resources Program
The program would aim to decrease the cost of learning materials by making select course material, namely textbooks, available to students for free.
Prior to this meeting, Student Government held a roundtable event with university administration and the public to address any concerns students may have had regarding student life or Student Government.
Students again voiced their concerns with the nay vote on the piece of legislation that would have added an immigration attorney as an on-campus resource.
President Denise Trauth and Gene Bourgeois, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, said the university does not have the power to hire an immigration attorney. It would have to happen at the system level.