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During the Student Government’s meeting Monday night, the body passed a safety regulation titled, Studious Student Safety. The resolution affects access to Alkek library.
The safety regulation will require students to scan into the library, similar to how dormitories allow access between operating hours. The safety regulation would go into effect between the hours of 12 a.m. and 3 a.m., pending on renovation to implement it.
The National Anthem Placement Act also passed with majority vote, which permanently placed the national anthem on the Student Government agenda. The singing of the national anthem had been practiced for several meetings, this Act retroactively amended the code to keep it on the agenda, permanently.
Senators spent nearly 30 minutes amending, discussing and voting on the piece. Considering the current politics behind the national anthem senators feared division from either side of the aisle.
Basketball Coaches Zenarae Antoine and Danny Kaspar addressed the chamber as the night’s guest speakers. Both coaches stressed the importance of student attendance at games.
The men’s basketball team kicks of their season against UTSA at Strahan Coliseum, Nov. 15. The Texas State women’s basketball plays Fresno State at home Nov. 25.
Lastly, Student Government swore in a new senator: Jewelia Tapp, criminal justice sophomore. She is representing the College of Applied Arts.