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Student Government’s Monday night meeting began with a moment of silence for Matthew Ellis before reading five resolutions.
Additionally, Nellie Perry was sworn in as a senator representing the college of Applied Arts.
Apart from reading legislation, the body voted in favor of a proposal to combat student hunger.
The following five pieces were read and will be voted on at the next Student Government meeting:
Equal Opportunity for Organizations Resolution
The suggests improvements in policy for organizations at Texas State University by allowing easier access for participation on campus.
The resolution makes the addition of an advisor optional and would leave student organizations responsible to evaluate its understanding of Student Involvement Code and ensure its ability to secure an advisor would not jeopardize its survival as a registered student organization.
I Have a Voice Marketing Campaign,
The social media campaign recognizes that students have a voice on campus and campus decisions. Further it ensures that Student Government keeps the voices of all students in mind and utilizes social media to inquire student perceptions.
Student posts would contain ideas or ways in which Student Government has heard their voice or in which student government could improve life on campus. The “I Have A Voice” campaign will consist of students taking a picture with “I Have A Voice” written somewhere in the picture. The campaign would utilize the hashtag #IHaveAVoiceTXST.
Student Goverment Debate Moderators
Another resolutions was introduced to allow the LBJ Debate Society to host a Student Government presidential debate. The LBJ debate society would work with The University Star and KTSW in order to avoid redundancy with the existing debate and provide exposure for the LBJ Debate Society.
No Place for Hate Call-to-Action
This resolution calls upon administration to further condemn anti-diversity rhetoric and actions on campus, while supporting the diverse student population. The resolution also calls on administration to create a high-quality cultural and racial sensitivity training program with compulsory attendance for all staff, faculty and students.
A resolution Calling on Federal Officials to Support the Bipartisan Dream Act of 2017
The resolutions affirms support for Texas State’s undocumented students. If passed, Student Body President Connor Clegg would coordinate with President Denise Trauth and her cabinet to ensure that elected representatives were contacted about the bipartisan efforts to establish a plan for DACA recipients upon the March 5 expiration.