Nursing freshman Jaryza Colon designs a client's nails, Tuesday, May 3, at Gaillardia Hall.
Jaryza Colon, a nursing freshman, ran a successful nail business out of her dorm room this past spring semester. The business began after a series of unpleasant experiences at nail salons. Colon then decided she was going to learn how to do her own nails.
She invested in the materials and quickly taught herself nail techniques through Tik Tok and YouTube tutorials. In the beginning, the nails were simply extensions and colors. Now, customers can have the design of their choosing.
Colon’s passion for nail art has turned into her main source of income, but the business is Colon’s part time job as she prioritizes schoolwork and her business equally.
“When it came to designs that was literally trial and error,” Colon said. “Just like you learn to ride a bike you learn to do it better over time.”
It wasn’t until February 2023 that Colon began to seriously invest in her business that she calls Justice.gelx. The business is named after the nail art system that Jaryza uses which is called gelx. Gelx is a system which applies nail extensions without harming the natural nails, which is healthier because the natural nails aren’t weighed down by acrylics.
Colon first began promoting Justice.gelx by approaching students with business cards and the increase of clients allowed the business to naturally receive new clients through word of mouth. Now, she receives 10 to 15 clients per week depending on the season.
There tends to be a spike in demand before major events such as school breaks and sorority banquets. Despite the business being young, it already has over 600 followers on Instagram.
Social media has been incredibly helpful for promoting the business. Colon’s roommate suggested she create a Tik Tok to attract new customers, which successfully brought in a decent amount of clients. The videos recreate popular trends while showing off her work. Running a business out of a shared space would seem challenging but Colon’s roommate, Brianna Bordosky, mass communications freshman, has been nothing but supportive.
Clients frequently come and go from their dorm room in Gaillardia Hall. Colon enjoys engaging with the customers, with her extroverted personality making the appointments enjoyable for everyone. Clients are sitting and chatting for two hours, there is a lot you can learn about a person in one session. Colon provides great care and consideration for clients because it is a passion rather than a means to make ends meet.
Taylor Kelsey, exercise sports freshman, has been supporting Justice.gelx since spring break. She found that the business provided high quality nails while being more affordable than a typical nail salon.
“She is the sweetest ever and she makes sure that you absolutely love everything about your nails,” Kelsey said.
Customers support Justice.gelx and plan on returning next semester. Taylor Spradling, a psychology freshman, found the business on the Texas State Snapchat story and since then she has been a repeat customer.
“I enjoy having one on one sessions with her and you can tell that she enjoys doing nails as a hobby,” Spradling said.
Jaryza thinks of herself as an artist and the nails as a canvas. Painting clients’ nails is a hobby, and she anticipates every appointment.
“For me it’s a passion it’s not just about the money,” Colon said. “What I provide to you is my image so of course I am going to take my time with it.”
Colon plans to run Justice.gelx as long as she is a student at Texas State and even considers what the future of nail design would look like outside of college.
“I really want to be a nurse,” Colon said. “It’s something I’m really passionate about so I can’t choose one or the other. I kind of want to do both.”
Justice.gelx currently resides in Colon’s hometown in San Antonio. This summer, she is running the business from her house and she continues to promote her designs on Instagram. The business is busier in the summer as she has more clientele back at home.
Creating Justice.gelx was a journey that Colon never imagined for herself. Now that the business is successful, she plans to continue her work from her apartment. As of now, nursing and nail art are both passions that Colon will continue to pursue in the future.
To keep up with Colon’s nail art, follow @Justice.gelx on Instagram and Tik Tok.