*Results are complete, but unofficial.
Saul Gonzales, a councilman of 6 years, has been reelected to San Marcos City Council, Place 2, receiving 75.27% of the vote. Atom Von Arndt, the runner-up, received 24.73% of the vote.
“I’m just grateful that I get to serve all my community for another three years,” Gonzales said.
Gonzales was first elected in 2016 for a three-year term and was reelected again in 2019. He is a second-generation citizen of San Marcos. He serves as a commissioner on the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustments and the Neighborhood Representative with the Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA).
“I will do my best to represent the whole community of San Marcos,” Gonzales said.”